At Moore-Wilson, we are passionate about Drupal and like nothing better than spending our spare time reading up about one of our favourite CMS’ on a variety of blogs. If you are looking for information, advice or tips on Drupal topics such as modules, views, blocks, themes and hacking the Drupal core then these blogs will be a valuable tool for you.

The list of our top five Drupal blogs has been compiled by our Drupal development team.

Dries Buytaert Blog

First on the list is the blog of the Drupal creator Dries Buytaert. The blog is written with passion and understanding and talks to the Drupal community in a style and language that they understand. Dries updates both the website and blog regularly with Drupal news, information and his thoughts on the development of the framework.

It is the first place that news of big Drupal updates are published. Recent posts have dealt with a wide variety of issues including Drupal 8 Beta, personalisation tools for Drupal and the wider issue of European business growth and the assembled web.

Drupal Easy

The Drupal Easy website provides a mixture of blog posts, podcasts and videos on a wide variety of Drupal development issues and web-based topics. The style ranges from the informal to more technical posts about complex areas of Drupal. Recent posts have focused on the requirement for more highly skilled Drupal developers, improved Drupal documentation, data mapping and organic groups.  The podcasts are well produced and they strike the right balance between technical ‘geek speak’ and a less esoteric approach to general web issues.

Drupal Watch Dog

Drupal Watch Dog covers advanced Drupal development and design issues with blog posts written by experienced Drupal developers. Recent posts have covered issues including ‘Caffeinated Drupal’ (a series on how to improve Drupal performance), Drupal views rewrites and choosing a Drupal Development agency.  The blog is technical in nature and deals with some complex development issues - but that is why our developers love it.


The Palantir blog is an extension of the Drupal work carried out by the Palantir agency based in Chicago. Their blog has a variety of authors and this adds a nice variety of writing styles and voices to the blog posts. The blog posts are updated regularly and the topics are varied and interesting. The authors are very knowledgeable and write in a language that is understood by the wider Drupal community. Recent blog posts include updates about drupalCon and End of life for Drupal 8.

Drupalize Me

Drupalize Me offer online and offline Drupal training; they also run a great blog that covers a wide variety of Drupal related issues. A number of the blog posts on offer cover topics from their training programmes as samples; these are always very well constructed and informative.  Some also include training videos and – again - these are very useful. Recent topics covered include How to learn Drush, How to become a Drupal developer and How to set up a Drupal install on Windows.

If you are interested in Drupal, we hope that you will find these blogs as interesting as Moore-Wilson’s Drupal developers do.  Are there any Drupal blogs you think we have missed out?  Tweet us your favourite Drupal blogs and resources.

Moore-Wilson is an experienced Drupal Development Agency  with offices in London and Salisbury

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  • Third Floor
  • 11 Slingsby Place
  • St Martin's Courtyard
  • Covent Garden
  • London
  • WC2E 9AB
  • T: 020 7379 3300
  • The Portway Centre
  • Old Sarum
  • Salisbury
  • SP4 6EB
  • T: 01722 335105

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